
General updates


API. Webhooks about new comments and changes in a ticket

Added assignee_id value to webhooks about new comments and changes in a ticket. You no longer need to make another API request to find out who the ticket issuer is.

Read more about Usedesk webhooks in our API documentation at the link.


Knowledge base. Search articles

We have optimized the search for articles in the Knowledge Base. Now, when searching, 50 characters are displayed before the found result and 50 characters after, and the searched words are highlighted. If the 50th character is in the middle of a word, it will not be truncated.
Previously, the search showed the first few words from the found articles — the searched word did not always fall there, and it was more difficult to navigate in the search results.

Main menu icons. Sections «Chat» and «Tickets»

Now the Chat section has its own icon:

Now the icons of the «Chat» and «Tickets» sections are colored green or red depending on your status — online or offline.

The statuses in the «Chat» and «Tickets» sections are independent — for example, if you change the status to «offline» in tickets, the chats will remain «online».