

Chat. Dialog area

Most of the time agents spend on the ticket and chat pages; they must be comfortable working with. We have revised the interface of chats to show more information within a dialogue area. Few minor changes, such as message grouping or replacement, make comprehension of the info displayed a lot easier.

Chat. File attachment (drag-n-drop)

Now you can add files to your chat messages by drag-and-drop. In the nearest future, we will improve attaching files from clipboard and instant group file sending in chats.

Channel settings (ВК, API)

We continue to simplify the system settings. By this point:

  • VK channel settings have been cleared from excess fields,
  • API channel settings have been restructured and grouped,
  • the option of watching channels via API has been relocated to API channel settings.
  1. Call forwarding

We have refined forwarding and distribution of calls. Unnecessary logs have been disposed to show real tracks of calls in tickets.

Storing recipient addresses at forwarding emails

Previously, it was necessary to insert all recipients' email addresses every time you were forwarding emails. It took a lot of time if that was a frequently occurred situation for a user. Now the system keeps previously mentioned recipients to add them automatically to a relevant field at next forwarding.


The first message from (API)

We added a new parameter From to the method https://api.usedesk.ru/create/ticket. It identifies the sender of the first message and takes one of the following values: "user", "client" or "trigger".

If the value equals "client", the customer to whom the ticket is linked will be considered the first message's sender. If the value does not equal "client", the request must include parameters with the relevant identification:

  • user_id
  • trigger_id


Links to ticket attachments (API)

The method https://api.usedesk.ru/ticket has been extended with URLs of files attached to a particular message. More info in our API Documentation.

Badge show timeout

If your website opens with any animation, you can set the time delay in which the widget icon will appear on the webpage. Simply fill in the Badge Show Timeout field in the widget settings.

Badge font size

If necessary, you can change the tooltip's font size that appears her the widget icon. To do this, fill in the Badge Font Size field in the widget settings.

Agent status in Yandex.Dialogues

When Yandex. Dialogues (Chat) is opened from the search results page; customers can see whether an agent is currently online or not.

The updated mobile layout of the CSI page

We have greatly improved the CSI page's mobile layout, so nothing can distract your customers from the objective evaluation of your support service on any mobile device.

Customization of the CSI page

Finally, you can personalize the CSI page by your guidelines by embedding a custom HTML-code to the special field in the CSI settings. Custom Page Layout is a paid option and is activated in Extensions after the purchase.


Reaction to N number of tickets from a client

New what-condition named Tickets from the client has been added to triggers. It will help you to react to a few client tickets sent in a row via any channels in a specific way.

Within the condition, you shall set the following parameters:

Correlation: Equals/ Not equal/ Greater than/ Greater than or equal to/ Less than/ Less than or equal to

Number of tickets from the client

Time range [in which tickets were received]

Example: The trigger gets activated if a customer sent more than 10 tickets over the last 5 hours.

Reaction to N number of messages from a client

New what-condition named Messages from the client has also been added to triggers. It will help you to react to a few client messages specially sent in a row.

Within the condition, you shall set the following parameters:

Correlation: Equals/ Not equal/ Greater than/ Greater than or equal to/ Less than/ Less than or equal to

Number of messages from the client

Time range [in which messages were received]

Example: The trigger gets activated if a customer sent more than 10 messages over the last 30 minutes.

In-turn ticket assignment

This is a new type of automatic assignment of client requests. If you need to get all the tickets distributed evenly between all users, add a trigger with one of the following actions:

Assign to the next agent in turn

Assign to the next agent in turn (online)

Due to this type of ticket distribution, the users who perform swift resolution of tickets will not get a higher workload than others.

Depersonalization of agents in Chat

We added the option called Replace operator name with to the Chat channel settings. By default, this field is empty, so clients see the name of a real agent on the line in the widget. However, sometimes it is necessary not to display agents' change during the conversation with a client. For such cases simply add the username to be displayed in the widget in Replace operator name with.

Notifications Column

If you have purchased the ticket dashboard adjustment option, now you can add the column Notification to the ticket table. This column displays the notification date and time and allows you to sort all tickets by this value without navigating to the ticket page.

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