Macroses creation

Macroses allow you to speed up work with chats and queries — if you often answer the same questions, come up with universal answers that agents can insert into the response field with a couple of clicks. If necessary, after inserting the macros text, you can edit it.

Basic macroses

Basic macroses have a multi-level structure, for example:

  • Sections → Macroses;
  • Sections → Categories → Macroses;
  • Sections → Categories → Subcategories → Macroses, etc.

Open the section «Automation» → «Macrose».

Divide the main macroses into sections and categories. To do this, click «Create a section», enter a section name and click «Apply». (opposite the section title). Then click «Add» and create a category or macros.

Use the same principle of creating categories and subcategories.

Fill in the fields in the main macroses creation card:

  • Name — enter a name for the macros. For example, according to the content and action to be performed — «Response to thank you + tag + status solved»;
  • Enabled — fill in the checkbox so that the macros is listed for use (list of active macroses). If the macros is temporarily out of date, uncheck the checkbox (list of inactive macroses);
  • Message — enter the message that you plan to send to the client using variables and text editing tools;
  • Files — add files up to 20 megabytes, if necessary;
  • Accessible — give access:
    • all — all employees have access;
    • group — group access;
    • me — is available to the employee who created it. The administrator can create all types of macroses. Employee — only personal;
  • Actions — select the actions to be performed when using the macros.


1. The actions are applied at the moment of sending a message. If you have chosen a macros and updated a page, the system will remember the inserted text of the macros, but that this text was inserted from the macros — not, i. e., the actions of the macros will not be applied. At that, see item 2 ↓
2. The actions are applied at the moment you insert the macros (as soon as you select it from the list) if the actions are related to custom fields. The system will save the inserted text of the macros and fill in the custom fields specified in the macros card with the values.

After entering all data, click «Save».

Important! Only an employee with administrator rights can delete the main macro.

Quick macroses

Quick macros can be personal or common.

Common quick macroses

Common quick macroses are available in «Automation» section → «Macroses» — «Quick macroses» section.

To create a common quick macros, please fill in the fields:

  • Quick macrose — enter the message that you plan to use when working with the client;
  • Tags — add tags using the Tab key, which when using the macros will be placed in the ticket and chat.

After entering data, click «Create».

To edit a common quick macros, click on it in the macroses list: change the description, add/remove tags, click «Apply».

Personal quick macroses

The list of personal quick macroses is also available in the «Automation» section ⟶ «Macroses» ⟶ «Quick macroses».

Only a macro creator can see personal macros.

You can create a personal quick macro in the chat interface by clicking the «Save as macro» button below an entered text.

Only a macro creator can delete quick personal macros.

Use quick macroses in chats and tickets.

To see the quick macroses, just enter a «/» sign in the chat (or «#» in the ticket) and a list will appear. The icon with a man will be displayed in front of personal quick macros.