List of macroses

Macros are pre-prepared messages with actions that are performed at the moment of sending the message. Answer the same type of questions in one click, using the macros to send clients' responses and for internal comments.

Use two types of macros:

  • Basic macros — macros with different access levels for working in chats and tickets. They can be divided into sections and categories;
  • Quick macros — are used to work in chats and tickets, and can be common or personal. Personal quick macros are visible only to a creator.

Open the «Automation» section, and the system will show you a list of available basic macros. The list of basic macros is divided into two parts:

  • Active — the list includes all macros that have the «Enabled» setting enabled;
  • Not active — the list includes all the macros that have the «Enabled» setting disabled.

To see the list of common quick macros, click the «Quick macroses» button.

Macrose list functions

  • Create a basic macros;
  • Create a quick macros with a view of the common quick macros list;
  • Change the sequence of sections, categories, macros. Use drag and drop to change the order of created elements. Exception: you cannot drag macros from the active list to the inactive list and back again;
  • View the information to whom the macros are available: Last name and first name (personal macros), group name (access for one group), N groups (access for several groups), all (access for all);
  • Edit and delete partitions, categories, macros. Click on the pencil icon (to edit) or the cross (to delete) items. Additionally, use the «Delete the chosen ones» button for mass deletion, having selected items in the list for deletion previously;
  • Create copies of the macros. Move the cursor over the macros and use the «Copy» button. If you click, the system copies the selected macros, and the window of macros editing will appear.

Note! Macros from the «Not active» list are displayed without a structure (section/category), while the inactive macros remembers in which structure it was created. For example, if you change the setting of inactive macros to «Enabled», it gets to the list «Active» in the desired section/category.