

Social networks. Displaying nickname in the client card

We displayed social networking information in the client's card, namely: pulling a nickname from a social network to the client's card with a direct link to the profile.

WhatsApp and Instagram. Information in the client card

Today we did a double whammy on filling a customer card with valid information. WhatsApp and Instagram are ready!
When you use WhatsApp, the following information goes into your customer card (if not filled out previously):
  • Avatar - pulled from WhatsApp (client profile);
  • Name - pulled from WhatsApp the client's public name. At the same time:
    • If the name in the client card = "Unidentified Someone", the name is pulled from WhatsApp;
    • If you connect a phone that has a contact list (which the app has access to), the client's name will be pulled up that is stored in the phonebook.
  • Messengers - the client's phone number is pulled from WhatsApp.
When using Instagram, the following information is pulled into the client's card (if it's not filled out before):
  • Avatar - pulled from Instagram (client profile);
  • Name - pulled from Instagram user name = nickname;
  • Social media - pulled from Instagram client name (from profile header).


Rights System. Viewing and editing clients

At the beginning of October, we did a setup about viewing and editing agents, and today we're giving you an update on viewing and editing clients.

The system already had similar settings as "Deleting Clients" and "Clients," but we've worked on them, namely:

  • We changed the name of settings, by which you can understand the essence - Clients (edit) and Clients (view);
  • By default, the settings are disabled, and only an employee with administrator rights has access for viewing and editing;
  • If an agent has no "Clients (view)" rights, he/she has no access to the "Clients" section;
  • If an agent does not have "Clients (edit)" rights, he/she will not be able to edit clients and client companies.

* By the way, we renamed the "view agents" and "edit agents" settings to "Agents (view)" and "Agents (edit)."


System of Rights. Fixed channel visibility in the filter

We are working on the rights system, and today we removed the possibility for an employee that does not have access to work to see a channel in the filter.

*An employee with administrator rights gets access by default.

Access to working with channels is still set up in agent groups.

An employee can also use a saved filter (if the employee has access to it), which will show filtering by channels irrespective of "work in channels" access in agent groups.


SLA in requests with the type "Comment to post"

We continue to update you with fall updates, and today we added SLA counting to requests with the "Comment to post" type, namely in channels such as Facebook and VK.

VK. Information in the client card

We continue to work on the big task of filling the client card with valid information. And today, we give it to VK.

When using VK, the following information goes into the client card, which is updated once every 30 days (if not filled out earlier):

  • Avatar - pulled from VK (client profile);
  • Name - pulled from VK (client's profile);
  • Social networks - pulled from VK (client's profile)
  • Country - pulled from VK (client's profile);
  • City - pulled from VK (client's profile);
  • Phone - pulled from VK (client's profile) if the phone is available for all users;
  • Site - pulled from VK (client's profile);
* Latest date of information update in client's card can be found out by sending API request to https://api.usedesk.ru/client. In the answer, there will be a date of creation and updating of the information on the client:


WhatsApp Business. Unique behavior

If you use WhatsApp Business for your work, you may have encountered restrictions such as a 24-hour response window. When a customer can respond within 24 hours of the last message from them, and after that time, you can only send a prearranged Facebook template.
When connecting this type of channel in Usedesk, we've implemented hints about the 24-hour limit and working with pre-agreed templates, which you can send both manually and automatically using a rule.


API. Refinement of additional fields list fetching

It is improved getting data of additional fields for the "Nested list" type. The response now returns an array of data that contains all of the current ids of the parent values (i.e., the values which, if selected, will make the present value of the current field available).

Parameter parent_options_id


System of Rights. Viewing and Editing Agents

Making the system of rights more flexible and today, we added two settings in the setting of groups of agents:

  • View agents - rights to view a list of agents and groups without the ability to edit or create them, and rights to view status (online/offline);
  • Editing agents - rights to view, create, and edit the list of agents and groups, with the ability to change agents' status.

Note! Regardless of the settings, the administrator can create, edit, and delete agents and groups.

Changing additional fields when applying the template

Good thing you don't have to refresh the request card several times! When selecting a template in the request form, all additional fields will be filled in automatically (if such actions are provided by the template).

Knowledge base. Number of times an article has been viewed

We refined the knowledge base last month and added more information to the articles list page by removing unnecessary buttons. And today, we finalized the article view counter.

If a user opens an article of your Knowledge Base in a widget or through a link, the view count will increase by 1.

Note! Your company must have an API-channel.