Distribution of requests in chats and tickets

The triggers in Usedesk can automatically distribute chats and tickets between your users.

The system of query distribution is divided into several types:

Automatic distribution

Automatic distribution is available only in chats. By default, the system automatically distributes incoming appeals to the agents or to the group of agents, who have access to a chat, taking into consideration agents’ workload (number of open chats). You do not need to configure the automatic distribution type.

Basic rules of automatic distribution:

1. In tickets with the statuses «New» and «Open» (a ticket is «Open», if its status didn’t change or it was reopened by a client’s message from the statuses «Pending», «On hold» or «Executed»), the system, according to its logic, automatically allocates (see item 3) chats to an agent online, taking into account his workload (a number of open chats) and access to work with a channel;

2. If at the moment of a coming message to a new or an open chat, the system assigns an executor via a trigger, an automatic distribution won’t work. .

At the same time, if the rule doesn’t change a performer (i. e., Igor was in the chat, and the rule distributes to the same Igor), then the automatic distribution will work. Because the system doesn’t actually do anything.

3. When automatically assigning, the system takes into consideration the agent’s status.

  • If an existing chat reopened, then the system always takes into consideration, if the performer, who was assigned earlier, is «Online» now:
    • if «Online», then it leaves the chat to him;
    • if «Offline», then it distributes the chat to the agent online, taking into account the workload (number of open chats) and access to work with the channel.
  • If an existing chat is reopened, in which the performer is the group of agents, then the system leaves the chat to the current group.

4. If two or more agents with the «Online» status have access to the channel and the same workload, the system will assign the chat to the agent, to whom chats haven’t been assigned for the longest time.

This type of distribution can be turned off via the parameter «Automatic distribution» in the settings of each channel chat:

Distribution via a trigger

You can set up triggers for the distribution of requests for both tickets and chats. Chat setting via trigger will be in priority before default setting (automatic distribution).

If there is a limit on a number of tickets in a channel settings («maximum chats per agent»), and any of agents with access to a channel reached the limit, it won’t be taken into account by the trigger with distribution action.

Assignment to a less loaded user

An appeal is assigned to a user, which has fewer requests in the «Opened» and «New» statuses than other users. Usedesk takes into account the number of requests in both chats and tickets.

An action will be executed only if agents in their group settings have access to work in a channel, where a ticket is.

A trigger can assign requests by selecting users:

  • from the group:

  • from a specified list of concrete users:

Assignment of the next user in turn

Appointments are assigned in order, regardless of user loading (technically, by user id list); the list or group should be specified in the field to the right. If one user belongs to two or more groups specified in action, the assignment will occur only once.

An action will be executed only if agents in their group settings have access to work in a channel, where a ticket is.

Select a group (or a list of users by name), and the trigger will assign requests.


On users online

  • Assign to a less loaded user (online);
  • Assign to the next user in turn (online).

The trigger will assign an appeal similar to the previous parameters (upload/download in turn), but the choice will be made only from users in online status at the moment the trigger is active.

When distributing a trigger to the next agent online, the system selects an agent who is online in the same section (chat/tickets).

An action will be executed only if agents in their group settings have access to work in a channel, where a ticket is.

Select a group or a list of users by name, and the trigger will assign a request to any of them who is in online status.




It is possible to assign requests by triggers depending on the status of the ticket and on many other parameters (client, communication channel, time of receiving the ticket, etc.) to close narrow needs.

Nuances, with the possibility you may encounter:
  • the actions «Assign agent to next queue» and «Assign to less loaded agent» have different destination queues. Even two actions in one trigger will have a separate queue. «Assign a loaded agent to the name» focuses on global data for the company; here the actions work together;
  • each trigger with the «Assign to the name of loaded» condition looks at the workload for all system tickets.

Manual distribution

Agents can assign tickets to themselves in several ways:

1. In the ticket interface. An agent can select one or more tickets in the list by clicking a checkbox next to a ticket. Once selected, the «Assign to yourself» button appears.

2. Directly inside a ticket card. To assign a ticket to yourself while being inside it, you need to click the "Not assigned" button and select yourself.

3. Using the «Take a ticket» button. The system will distribute the first ticket from a filter taking into account a selected sorting.

When you click the «Take a ticket» button, the system:

  • distributes the first unassigned ticket to a current user. An unassigned ticket is a ticket without an executor or assigned to a group. If several agents click a button at the same time, the system will assign different tickets to them. If there are not enough tickets for agents in this case, the system will show the «No matching tickets» notification to some of them;
  • will take into account a selected filter (e.g. priority «medium») and sorting (e.g. by date of creation);
  • will open a ticket card.