Other tickets
A client's profile is located to the right from the response field. Here are contact details and information about other requests.
If the client has several addresses, then the one from which the message came will be highlighted in bold.

Other tickets
Under the client's profile is the «Other tickets» block, which includes no more than five recent requests with the current client and the «Other tickets» button (if there are more than 5 of them in the block). The block contains other requests from all channels. Comments on posts are placed in a separate section, «Comments on posts».

The «Other tickets» button allows moving to the client's card with full information about the entire history of correspondence with the current client.

To check what the client was talking about earlier, click on the name of the ticket.
In the window that opens, you will see the ticket itself with all the client's messages, responses, and company comments. Click on the «Open» button to go to the selected one.

The client can send several tickets with the same content, and in order not to get confused, you can combine tickets.
To do this, select the required one from the list of client tickets and click the «Merge» button in the window. The designated ticket will be merged with the current one; thus, unnecessary tickets will not accumulate, and you will also avoid repeated answers to the same question.

Simultaneously, in the technical comments of the current ticket, a link and the last message from the ticket with which the merge was performed will appear. Using the link, you can always go to the combined ticket and see the necessary information.

To see information about the ticket that was merged, follow the link. The ticket status and technical comments will be available in the opening window.

Requests with the «Merged» status are not displayed in the general list. To display them in the general list, select «Status = Merged» in the system filter.
Comments on posts
Under the client's profile, there are a block «Comments on posts», which includes no more than five recent tickets (comments on posts) with the current client and the button «Other tickets» (if there are more than 5 of them in the block). Channels through which information can be displayed: Facebook, VKontakte.

To go to the ticket card, click on the request in the block.
The «Other tickets» button allows to go to the client's card with full information about the entire history of correspondence with the current client, in particular — the «Comments on posts» block.

All attachments
The «All attachments» block is located under the client's profile. The block contains the last 5 attachments sent by the current client in the correspondence earlier (i. e. , in other tickets). Attachments are sorted by sending date. Attachments from the current ticket are not included in the block.
Additionally, attachments can be downloaded one at a time or in an archive («Download all» button). A maximum of 5 recent files can be downloaded as an archive.

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