Mail connection and message sending errors
Mail connection errors
When saving the mail channel with an external connection type (imap/smtp), Usedesk makes a connection attempt. If the attempt is unsuccessful, the system displays a red bar with an error number.
Possible errors:
- Error 101: The server is not responding or is unavailable.
- Error 111: Fails to establish connection via SMTP.
- Error 420: The server is not responding or is unavailable. The server is taking a long time to respond to a request.
- Error 422: The recipient’s mailbox is full.
- Error 441: The recipient’s mail server is not responding.
- Error 450: The recipient’s mail server is not responding. For some reason, the recipient's mail server is unavailable. It may not exist.
- Error 500: The recipient’s mail server is not responding. An error occurs when the mail server does not understand the request due to different operating systems, or there is an error in the request.
- Error 510: Invalid recipient address.
- Error 512: The recipient’s domain doesn’t exist.
- Error 530: Incorrect login or password. Incorrect login or password, or the user does not have the necessary access rights.
Message sending errors
If a message fails to send, it will become an internal comment with a red background. An error message will appear in the upper right corner — it will either explain the cause of the error or offer to write to us in support to resolve the issue. Possible types of errors:
- The message could not be sent. Please write to us at;
- Invalid sender address. Please check if there is an error in the sender's email address;
- Invalid recipient address. Please check if there is an error in the recipient's email address;
- Error when processing the message text. Please write to us at;
- Invalid recipient address in the copy. Please check if there is an error in the recipient's email address;
- Invalid recipient address in the blind carbon copy. Please check if there is an error in the recipient's email address;
- The maximum number of microsoft graph sendings is exceeded, try again later. For more information about limits, follow the link.