Creating Knowledge base
To create a knowledge base, open the «Knowledge Base» section and click «Create».
Fill in the fields:
- Title and description — enter a name for your knowledge base by adding a description of what you are creating it for;
- Knowledgebase URL — use your company name. For example, if the company name is «Usedesk», the knowledge base will be at the address;
- Language — select the language that is used in the knowledge base. By default, the system selects the language that is set in a company settings;
- Home link text — outdated setting, not used in the setting;
- E-mail — enter the address that will be specified in the knowledge base header as the address for the contact;
- Domain — if your Knowledge Base is external and you don't want to use the link " ", make your domain, for example "" and a CNAME record in DNS, sending the record to our server.CNAME = There should be a dot at the end. Some interfaces add it automatically. If the registrar's interface doesn't allow you to add a point, you can skip it.After that, in the "Domain" field, write "docs.hogwarts.сom" and click the "Get a certificate" button. In a few minutes, the Knowledge Base will open on both links: and;
- Index by a public search engine (e. g. Google) — check the box to link to knowledge base articles displayed in search engines. For example, when searching through Google or Yandex, the search engine will find your articles. Direct link access remains, even if search engines index nothing;
If you want to use your domain, write us at, and we'll send you an SSL certificate. - Background color, Header color, Text color, Link background, Link color, Nav Link color — change the item colors to suit your corporate style;
- Knowledge base styles — old or new type of Knowledge base. By default, new styles are enabled from February 16. The knowledge base in the new style is more practical and more beautiful — you can read more about the advantages of the new styles here.
If you have your own Knowledge base styles in your header and footer scripts, switching to the new styles could «break» your styles. If you need your old styles back, contact the support at , and we will enable the setting for switching styles.
An option to switch styles for those who wrote to the support will be available until May 31, 2023 — after that we will disable old styles for everyone. If switching to the new styles «broke» something in your Base, we recommend finalizing your header and footer scripts now. - Header scripts — prescribe layout styles to change the knowledge base's visual design or visitor counter scripts. Any front-end developer can help you create a script for your goals;
- Footer scripts — add other scripts if necessary, for example, for SEO optimization. You can also add a widget code here — if clients can't find an answer to a question in the Knowledge base, they can immediately write to the support via the widget;
- Copyright text — add a signature in the basement of the knowledge base indicating copyright. For example, in HTML format.
After entering all data, click «Save».
Now you can create a knowledge base structure and fill it with information. Read more about it here.
Additionally, set up employee access to the knowledge base in the "Users" section, including editing. If you have more than one department, create a knowledge base for each department to centrally store procedures and instructions.
For employees to quickly find information in the knowledge base when replying to a client, use the search icon in the «Find in help center» query card — available when publishing the knowledge base.
Add a knowledge base to the site so that clients can find their own answers, for example, when the support team is out of work or configure a knowledge base widget that appears on the desired page and selects the appropriate articles with answers for the client.