VK integration (community)
- Linking VKontakte
- Integration options: message processing
- Integration options: comment processing on posts
- Getting a token to process chat messages
- Restrictions
Linking VKontakte
1. In order to link VKontakte to Usedesk, open section «Channels» and click «Add channel»:
2. Choose «VKontakte»:
3. Fill in «Group ID» — the required field, the value of which is copied in the group VKontakte — section «Manage» — «API usage» — «Callback API». Click «Connect»;
4. Give Usedesk access to your group VKontakte ⟶ click «Allow»;
5. Click «Get user key» in the group channel;
6. Fill in the form of authorization VK, if you are authorized — a form of access of the application to the group. Click «Allow»;
7. Turn on permissions in the group: to receive messages and send CSI scores:
- Open the page of the group Contacts → «Manage» → «API usage» → «Callback API» → «Event types» and tick these boxes:
- Go to «Messages» → «Bot settings», click «Enabled»;

8. After entering all data in the channel settings click «Save».

Finished, the channel is linked!
Integration options
By default, messages in Usedesk are displayed only as tickets. In order to learn to link VK in chats, click here — like teleportation by the article;)
Message processing
A client can send a message to the group’s messages — then the appropriate ticket appears in Usedesk.
This is how VKontakte correspondence, integrated into Usedesk, looks like:
- you can see an image directly in the Usedesk’s interface,
- a voice message will be displayed as text «Sound» — if you click it, a new tab will open, where you can listen to a message,
- a video will be displayed as a preview — if you click it, the VKontakte player will open in the new tab.
You can send an image to the client – it will appear in the client’s VKonakte interface:
Sending audio and .mp3 files is not supported because of VKontakte policy, but you can send, for example, a .wav file. Sending a video is available if you send it as a file and from a general access group.
Comment processing on posts
Comments on posts appear in Usedesk, as well as messages. The topic of such a ticket always looks like this: «New comment on the post». Every new comment = a new ticket in Usedesk.
This is how the correspondence with the client, integrated into Usedesk, looks like in VK comments:
And this is what the same correspondence looks like in the VK interface:
By default, Usedesk substitutes a variable to address the client, who left the comment.
If necessary, the variable can be erased.
It is also possible to reply to a comment in private messages — using the «Reply in Direct messages» button:
If a new user’s comment is left in a comment thread, you will see the original comment in the ticket as well, to make the dialogue’s context clearer.
Since comments in Usedesk create tickets with a subject «New post comment», it can be used to create a trigger with a condition – «What → Subject → Text equals/inequals/includes/doesn’t include → post comment». This way you can, for example, separate messages from comments and send out autoreplies to messages only. Follow the link, to read more about triggers setting up.
Getting a token to process chat messages
Important! With this instruction you will get a token, which enables our support to connect your new channel. Using this channel, you will be able to process VK messages in the «Chat» section.
When setting an integration with VKontakte via Botmother (via chats), the buttons won't work, because Botmother doesn't see them.
When a client messages in a community, he will see the automatic reply «Connecting» and the button «End dialogue» on behalf of your community. They are displayed only in the VK interface and only when processing tickets via the chat channel. It is impossible to change the text on the button and before it.
If you want to process messages from VKontakte in the section «Chat», you need to do the following:
- Check in the section «Manage» → «Messages» that community messages are enabled:
- In the same section select «Bot settings» and check if «Bot abilities» are enabled:
- In the section «Settings» → «API usageI» click «Сreate token»:
- Most likely, VK will ask you to confirm the page. Do so.
- In the opened settings give access to these items:
- The system will generate a key, which must be copied and sent to us by e-mail support@usedesk.com.
- VKontakte doesn’t allow a group to initiate a dialogue — only a client can be the first to write;
- If you correspond from group discussions, all correspondence will be pulled up in Usedesk. But you will not be able to respond from Usedesk due to the restrictions of VKontakte;
- Only the group administrator can link VKontakte;
- When setting an integration with VKontakte via Botmother (via chats), the buttons won't work, because Botmother doesn't see them;
- VKontakte does not display hyperlinks correctly — when sending a message from Usedesk, use regular links.