

Usedesk in the VTEX platform

VTEX is a Brazilian e-commerce platform that allows you to create marketplaces, manage orders and accept payments. Usedesk enables you to embed our widget in customer stores. Read more in our article.


Android. New functions by clicking on a ticket number

We added some new functions to the ticket number click:
  • Share a link to the current request on social networks, messengers;
  • Copy the link to the current ticket.

Android. Working with copies in a mail channel

Working with copies in the mail channel is implemented through the "Copies" button in the request card. Add Cc or Bcc, besides the primary recipient, to whom you want to send the message.

The color of the button depends on the availability of copies. If no copies are specified, the color is gray.

Android. Filtering tickets by channel type

Added the ability to filter tickets by channel type.

Android. Preset filters on the tickets page

Preset filters appeared on the request page:
  • “My” - requests where the executor is the current user in the statuses “New,” “Open,” “Pending,” “On hold,” “Completed,” “Closed”;
  • “Open” - requests in the statuses “New,” “Open,” “Pending,” “On hold”;
  • "Completed" - requests with statuses "Completed", "Closed"
The filter is not a system filter and can be removed.

API. Date and time SLA in the tickets methods

In response to the methods/ticket (a separate ticket) and / tickets (a list of tickets), we added the SLA date for each parameter, if it is specified in requests:
  • first response time

  • next response time

  • time to execution

The new "properties" parameter is responsible for sending values in response from the server: ["sla"]


Integration. RutterAPI

Let's talk about new external integrations. One of them is the integration with Rutter, which will allow you to track data on orders in stores (Shopify, Square, Wix, Amazon, eBay, Etsy,and others) in Usedesk. Read more about the settings in our article.

Android. Html messages in a ticket

Html messages are displayed in the ticket (without unnecessary tags and buttons) with the ability to open the full html page.


iOS. Automatic status change on reply

Added the ability to specify the status to transfer a ticket to when responding to a client: "Completed," "On hold," "Pending," "Do not change."

iOS. Bulk Tickets Edit and Colored Icons

In the bulk editing of tickets, the following functions are available: changing the status and executor. Furthermore!

In addition, the requests included in the list are now colored.


Tickets. Channel type icon

Not all channels in the "Requests" section were marked with unique icons.
We've fixed it! For example, Telegram, Slack, SDK stopped hiding under the general chat icon.


Triggers. New parameter "Email copy"

We began to automatically respond to the client's mail and those emails that are in a copy or a blind copy of the last public message.
To configure, use the new "Email copy" condition in the rules in the WHAT section:

Webhooks. Variable values are displayed in the "text" parameter

If you write to a client using templates with variables, the webhook will contain complete information.

API. Token instead of signature in the userIdentify parameter

We made adjustments to the widget initialization method, or rather to the userIdentify () parameter, which identifies the user by the passed parameters:
  • signature - an outdated parameter, we plan to abandon it;
  • a new token parameter that will replace signature. Now we create a unique signature for each chat.

Reports. A new version

We begin to bring reports to a single form. We started with tables. In the main report, all tables were replaced with the new version:
  • Workload;
  • Tag report;
  • Triggers report;
  • Templates report

The functionality has remained the same for now. Detailed description you can find here.


Kazakh language

We grow in depth and breadth. The system can now switch to the Kazakh language.


Trigger. Hide the "When" block during manual start

When the trigger is started manually, the "When" block is not taken into account, and so that no one gets confused, we started hiding this block when the "Manual start" setting is enabled.