CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index)
CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) — feedback from clients about support work. With the help of CSI you can review the work of your team, namely the strengths and weaknesses. The result of the survey will be in the CSI report.
By default, «Settings CSI» is in the general list of Usedesk partitions. If you have disabled this section before, go to «Extensions» and press «ON» for CSI.
To configure the CSI, go to «Settings» → «Settings CSI»:
1. Specify CSI status. If the CSI status is enabled, you will be able to send clients a question about how the users handled their work;
2. Mark the type of channel from which you want to receive feedback. If it is not checked, no evaluation tickets will be sent to the client in this channel;
4. Specify the conditions:
- Send just once — the evaluation request should be sent once per correspondence history. For example, a client has written to you → you have completed a chat → a request for a rating has been sent → the client has set a rating. If you contact this client again, the chat will be reopened, but the evaluation will not be sent to the client after the chat has ended.
Note! If the client does not provide a rating, a rating request at the specified ticket status (item 3) will be sent until the client provides it;
- Send constantly — a request for evaluation will be sent every time the status of the request changes, specified in the CSI setting (item 3). For example, if you want a rating to be sent to the client at the end of each request, then in the settings select the status «Solved» with the condition «Send constantly».
Note! If you have selected more than one status in the ticket status setting (item 3), the score will be gone:
- in chat: when changing the status to «Solved», even if this status is not specified in the setting (item 3) — this is a system limitation. Therefore, select one status of the ticket for the Chat (item 3);
- in e-mail: when replying to a message to the client, namely, the score will be sent when you change the ticket status in the request (item 3) and write a reply to the message to the client.
5. CSI page language — select the language in which your clients speak;
6. Enter assessment text — the text that is sent to the client to improve the impression of your work and collect more feedback. The text is customizable for each channel type:
- Message — mail channels. When moving from the evaluation in the mail channel, the client will be taken to a page where he or she will be able not only to evaluate the user's work by choosing from the offered options, but also to leave an additional comment. The language of the page depends on the language specified in CSI settings (item 5);
Additional comment:
- Online chat — widget on the site. If necessary, change the default text.
In the chat on the site will appear handy buttons.
A client can also initiate ratings of the support work using the «allow evaluation» function in a widget setting. Even if the CSI settings disable ratings for a widget channel, this feature will still work — you need to disable it separately. Read more about that here. If a rating was requested by an agent, a rating message will be sent on behalf of a bot. If a client gave a rating on his own, a rating message will be sent on behalf of an agent. If no executor was assigned to a ticket at the time of rating, a rating message will come on behalf of a bot;
- Messengers with buttons — Facebook, Viber (business folder). If necessary, change the default text.
The client will be able to select one of the proposed buttons.
- Messengers — Vkontakte, Whatsapp, Viber (by phone number), Instagram (Direct), Telegram. If necessary, change the default text.
The client will be able to choose one of the offered emoji (example VK).
Custom CSI page
You can fully customize the CSI page the client sees. To do this you need to purchase a paid extension «CSI page customization» in the «Extensions» section. After that you will see «Use your layout» item in CSI settings.
The form sends a request with data to the address. Function for example:
function sendFeedback() { var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split( '/' ); var rating = $('.active').attr('data-value'); var client = pathArray[2]; var ticket = pathArray[3]; var text = $('#support-feedback-comment').val(); var comment_id = getParameterByName('comment_id'); $.ajax({ url: 'https://'+location.host+'/nps/rating', method: 'POST', data: { rating:rating, client:client, ticket:ticket, comment: text, comment_id: comment_id, _token:'' }, success: function(msg){ exit(); }, error: function () { exit(); } }); } function getParameterByName(name, url) { if (!url) url = window.location.href; name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&"); var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^]*)|&|#|$)"), results = regex.exec(url); if (!results) return null; if (!results[2]) return ''; return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " ")); }
- 1026311 — client id;
- 3403728 — ticket id;
- 123 — response id of the user with whom the evaluation was sent together.
This url is always formed on the side of our system and always has this structure.
In this case, there should be parameters in html elements:
- rating — rating (1 — excellent, 2 — normal, 3 — bad);
- comment — the text of the evaluation comment.
This is all sent as a post request to /nps/rating.
- client — client id;
- ticket — ticket id;
- comment_id — user's response id in Usedesk;
- rating — rating (1 — excellent, 2 — normal, 3 — bad);
- comment — assessment comment text.
An example of the current page can be downloaded here.