Integration via Infobip provides the ability to work with official WhatsApp (Business) and Viber.
Integration principle with WhatsApp Business
- You are given 24 hours to respond to a message sent by a customer. The 24-hour countdown starts over every time a customer sends you a message.
- Incoming requests and responses to them within 24 hours;
- Hints about the 24-limitation, in the form of an error in the request card with a link to the current article;
- Working with pre-agreed templates;
- Initialization of a dialogue with a client;
- Handling various errors that we display in the interface. For example, "Failed to send an attachment, size exceeded (images up to 5 MB, files up to 100 MB)" and others.
Connecting WhatsApp Business
1. Go to "Channels" - "WhatsApp Business," click "Add."
2. Log in to your Infobip account. On the page,, copy the API URL and paste it into the field of the same name in the created channel (p.1)
3. On the page, create or copy an API key. Paste it into the "Token" field of the created channel (p. 1)
4. On the page, copy the connected phone number and paste it into the "Phone number" field of the created channel (p. 1)
5. After filling in the above fields in the Usedesk channel, click the "Save" button
6. On the page, click on the connected number, and in the window that appears, click "Add a keyword "
- Forwarding - Forward to HTTP;
- Method - POST;
- URL - Webhook from item 5
You do not need to fill in the keyword (leave the field blank).
Using WhatsApp Business

- the field for sending a standard message will be inactive;
- sending an internal comment is available;
- the "Submit" button will be automatically changed to "Submit Template";
- when you click on the "Send Template" button, a modal window pops up to select a template;
- an informational message pops up when the template is sent;
2. Initialization of the dialogue
- Connect the Whatsapp Business channel;
- Configure agent access rights for this channel, which has Whatsapp Business enabled. If the agent does not have access rights to such a channel, this button will be absent, including when assigning a chat to it or if you have administrator rights.
- Channels - select a channel from Whatsapp Business;
- Client - enter the client's name, and from the drop-down list, select who you will write to. If you need to create a new customer, then write the name. If the search did not return any results - click "New client."
- Phone - enter the phone number in the international format (without indicating +) XXXXXXXXXX (for example, for the Russian Federation, the number will look like this 79254321098, and for Belarus - 375296787656), or select a client from your database and the number will be automatically supplied.
- Template name - select the template that you will use to send your message. You have coordinated the template names with Infobip. If you have variables in the template, then also specify them in the appropriate fields.
An example of filling in the fields:
Viber integration principle
- Incoming requests and responses to them;
- Handling various errors that we display in the interface. For example, "Failed to send an attachment, size exceeded (images up to 5 MB, files up to 100 MB)" and others.
Viber connection
4. On the page, copy what is indicated in the information field and paste it into the "Phone number" field of the created channel (p. 1). In the example, this is ROYAL CANIN
- Forwarding - Forward to HTTP;
- Method - POST;
- URL - Webhook from item 5
You do not need to fill in the keyword (leave the field blank).
Using Viber
Important! Viber Infobip does not know how to work with files. Pictures from Usedesk are sent as a link
If a message fails to send, it will become an internal comment with a red background. An error message will appear in the upper right corner — it will either explain the cause of the error or offer to write to us in support to resolve the issue. Possible types of errors:
- The message could not be sent. Please write to us at;
- IInvalid template name, or the template does not exist. Check, if you made a mistake in a macros name;
- The message could not be sent, the recipient is blocked;
- The attachment could not be sent, the allowed size was exceeded (image up to 5 MB, file up to 100 MB). The allowed size of images is up to 5 MB, other files — up to 100 MB;
- Couldn't send macros, check variables and text;
- The message could not be sent, the content of the message does not satisfy the WhatsApp policy. More detailed;
- The message could not be sent, the API key is disabled or expired;
- Invalid number (must start with 7).