Filters and search by tickets
In the «Tickets» section, for quick access to a specific type of ticket, use the filtering conditions with which you can filter the requests in the general list and save the filter for use in your work.
- Text field — enter text into the field and click «Apply»;
- Drop-down or subfolders list — select one (and more) value from the drop-down list;
- Checkbox — specify «Selected»/«Not selected».
- «One of» — the system filters by selected values from the list;
- «All but» — the system filters all values except the selected values from the list.
System filters
- By channel — the list of channels through which requests from clients are sent to Usedesk. Select one or more channels;
- By assignee — in conditions you can select tickets assigned to me, assigned and unassigned tickets, as well as one or more ticket performers, including user groups. The «Not assigned» option displays not only tickets, which do not have an executor, but also tickets, assigned to a group of agents (not to an individual agent);
- Participant — select an employee that participated in the tickets, wrote internal or public comments. In a dropdown list there is a limit on a number of displayed agents: no more than ten. You won’t be able to scroll through the entire list of agents – to find an agent, you need to start typing his name. A dropdown list will display all agents whose names begin with typed letters;
- Mention — select the employee that was mentioned in tickets using @;
- By status — in conditions, you can choose one or more ticket statuses. By default, tickets with statuses «Deleted», «Spam», and «Merged» are not included in the general list — if necessary, specify them in the condition;
- By type — select one or more types of a ticket;
- By priority — select one or more ticket priorities;
- By attachments — select the tickets that contain or do not contain attachments;
- Tags — select one or more tags (enter a name and press TAB or use the «Tags Top» hint), and the list will include tickets that contain one or more selected tags. Additionally, the condition has a «Filter with all tags in the ticket» option, where only tickets that contain all selected tags simultaneously are selected.
Additionally, consider the «One of» and «All but» functions. For example, there may be four different situations in this filter to search for tickets:
- The function «One of» + «Filter with all tags in the request» is selected — will be displayed in the list of tickets with all tags simultaneously, which are set in the condition.
If 4 tags are specified in the condition, then tickets that have 4 tags at a time will be added to the list; - Selected «One of» + «Filter with all tags in the request» function is off — you'll see tickets with all tags (specified in the condition) in the list.
If the condition contains 4 tags, then tickets that have one or more tags will be included in the list; - The «All but» + «Filter with all tags in the request» function is selected — tickets that do not have all tags simultaneously set in the condition will be included in the list.
If the condition contains 4 tags, then tickets that have 4 tags at a time will not be added to the list; - The «All but» — «Filter with all tags in the request» function is disabled — tickets that do not have tags specified in the condition will be placed in the list.
If the condition contains 4 tags, then tickets that have one or more tags will not be included in the list.
- The function «One of» + «Filter with all tags in the request» is selected — will be displayed in the list of tickets with all tags simultaneously, which are set in the condition.
- SLA — use the filter to assess the situation in case of an unexpected «crash» and immediately proceed to the processing of tickets by the required metric. Choose a condition based on the SLA parameter: time of the first response, time of the user's response to the following messages from the client and time of the ticket execution (moving to the status «Solved» or «Closed») and the execution parameter: in progress or overdue;
- Updated at — specify the period for ticket updating (for example, the user wrote a comment or changed custom fields, etc.) using standard ranges;
- Created at — specify the period when the ticket was created using standard ranges.
Custom filters
Custom filters — custom fields that have the «Add a filter» checkbox when setting up. They are located at the top of the list of tickets after the system filters.
Saved filters
1. Select the conditions by which your tickets should be filtered in the upper panel and click «Save Filter».
2. Specify filter name and visibility:
- For all — check the «save for all» checkbox;
- For a group of agents — check the «save for group» box;
- For yourself — do not check the «save for all» and «save for group» checkboxes.
3. Press the «Save» button. This filter will appear on the left side of the ticket list under the «Saved filters» tab.

You can change the saved filters by dragging and dropping them:
Now all you need to do is select the required filter in «Saved Filters» for the list of tickets to be reloaded. To return to the general list of tickets, press «All» above the list of tickets.
To edit or delete a saved filter, point at it and click on the pencil icon. You cannot restore a deleted filter.
A saved filter can only be deleted by an agent with administrator rights or by a filter creator.
If necessary, you can copy a link to a filter from the address bar — for example, a link to a filter with the «Status» → «Open» parameter will always look like this:
Searching for tickets
Using the ticket number in the search bar can find any tickets. Enter ticket number (partially or fully) in the search box, and the system will display the search result regardless of whether the «№» field is displayed in the list or not.
Besides, tickets can be found by client name, subject and content of the ticket, the last comment. The system checks the value entered in the search line for all fields simultaneously.