Integration. Acebot
Acebot is another official provider with which you can work with official WhatsApp (Business). Details in the instructions.
Vkontacte. Personal page
In contact with. Personal page
New integration = new opportunities. Now it is possible to connect Vkontakte to process messages in Usedesk from a personal page that comes to direct.
Learn more about how to set up and how the integration works in our article.

Triggers. Copy and delete
Triggers do not always consist of 1 or 2 conditions. Some companies use 50 or more. Previously, to create a similar trigger, you had to retype all conditions. Now on the page with the list of triggers, the "Copy" function is available, which will fill in the form with all the existing conditions of the current trigger. Remove unnecessary conditions, add or edit, and you do not have to spend a lot of time creating a similar trigger in the system.
Additionally, in the list of triggers, when you hover over a trigger, the "Delete" function is available.
Report by agents. New table
The main report was transformed; now it's the turn of the others. In the agent report, you will see a new table type.
What functions can you use in it:
- sort values;

- filter values;

- adjust the column width for yourself;
- hide columns that are not informative for you;
- download only the data that is in the table

Instagram. Direct in a business connection
In the official Instagram connection, which we implemented last month, you can now work with direct messages in UseDesk, even considering the restrictions when replying to a message.

Read about restrictions and how to set up the integration in our article.
Android. Message sending display
Previously, when you sent messages and pressed the "Send" button, all typed text was cleared, and nothing happened for a few seconds. We have worked through sending a message and now, when you click on the "Send" button:
- the submit button disappears, and you won't be able to click on it 100 times. You will see the message download mode;
- typed text and attached files do not disappear but becomes a little lighter without the ability to edit;
In case of unsuccessful sending of the message, an error notification will appear.
Additionally, we enlarged the window to write a message if it does not fit into one line and added the ability to make a line break while writing a message.
Android. iOS. Colored channel icons
Added display of channel icons in the request list. Now, without opening a ticket, you will understand which channel the message came from.
Android. iOS. YouTube link player
We implemented a YouTube l
ink player. Now, if someone sends a link to YouTube in the conversation, you can view the content without leaving the application.
iOS. Audio and video player
Now, if a client sends you an audio or video file, it is not necessary to download it. We have added the ability to listen/view audio/video files to the application.
The following functions are available in the players:
- Start / Pause;
- Rewind;
- Volume;
- Time;
- Download;
- Fullscreen (video player only)
Android. Tickets status system
We began to take into account which tickets you have already opened and which have not yet. Read requests are now light and gray, and unread requests are now dark and black. If you have already read the request and made some changes, and after a while the client wrote again, the request will again return to itself the status of "unread".

SDK. Android. Token instead of a signature when initializing a chat
In the new versions of the SDK, adjustments have been made to the initialization of the chat, when the system identifies the user by the passed parameters. Recall that these are:
- name;
- email;
- phone;
The changes affected the signature parameter. Previously, clients specified the signature parameter themselves. To avoid mistakes, we replaced signature with token and we will create a unique signature for each chat ourselves. Therefore:
- signature is an obsolete parameter; we plan to abandon it. New token parameter that will replace signature. Now we create a unique signature for each chat at least 64 characters.
Also, the token is tied to the name, mail, and phone number. If any of these parameters is entered new relative to the previous ones, a new token will be requested.
Widget. Displaying a list of articles in the knowledge base
If you display the knowledge base in a widget, then this update is for you, or rather for your clients.
Previously, the list of articles visible to the user was displayed in the general list in order. But so that you do not get confused in the general list, we began to show articles according to the division hierarchy. That is, we display the order that you have specified in the knowledge base. The title of the section is in the first place, then the list of categories included in the current section, and the list of articles. You can roll up or expand the list of articles by clicking on a category. Or roll up the entire section.
Telephony. Call decryption
Call recording can now be decrypted.
For now its only for UIS telephony. Furthermore! We will extend the functionality to other telephony.
Call transcript – translation of an audio message into text. Decryption makes it possible not to listen to the entire call record but to highlight in the text those elements that need to be worked out at once.
Please note that the functionality is not included in the basic Usedesk package and is paid separately.
But now, we have an active FREE testing period for you to give a try. Later, we will formulate the actual cost, and it will be possible to apply to connecting the channel (support@usedesk.com).
To decrypt a call, press the "Decrypt" button in the call log.

And the text of the decrypted call will appear in the request card in the internal comment.