Agent groups

To distribute calls, combine your company's employees into agent groups. Agent groups can be formed by different criteria, for example:

  • Functionality: IT, sales, support, accounting;
  • Type of customer: VIP, individuals, legal persons;
  • Timetable: daytime, night shift.

The list of all groups of the company is located in the «Agents» — «Agent groups» section. To add a new group, click «Create an agent group».

In the group card:

1. Enter the name of the group;

2. Enter the rights for the group. Agents in the group will only have access to the selected sections of the account. If a specific agent needs rights, create a separate group for it;

  • Agents (view) — rights to view agents and groups without the ability to edit, create or delete them, as well as rights to view status (online/offline);
  • Agents (editing) — rights to view, create, edit and delete agents and groups, with the ability to change the status of agents (online/offline). The «Agents (edit)» setting inherits the «Agents (view)» settings;
  • Channels — rights to view, edit the «Channels» section;
  • Clients (view) — rights to view the «Clients» section (view the list of clients, client cards, list of companies, company cards) without the ability to edit and create them;
  • Clients (Edit) — rights to view, create and edit clients and companies. The Clients (Edit) setting inherits the Clients (View) setting rights;
  • Settings — rights to view and edit the «Settings» section. By default, these are subsections: «Company», «Office Hours», «Black/White List», «CSI Settings», «SLA Settings», «Additional Fields». Access to the «Blocks» subsection can only be granted to an employee with «Administrator» rights;
  • Reports — rights to view, edit the «Reports» section;
  • Triggers — rights to view, edit the «Rules» section;
  • Templates — rights to view, edit the «Templates» section.

By default, only an employee with «Administrator» rights has access to all settings.

Important! Permissions are more important than bans. If an agent is a member of several groups, in some of which he is not allowed to access a certain channel/section, etc., while other groups allow access to the same channel/section, — bans are ignored, and an agent has access according to permissions.

3. Add agents to the group. One employee can be a member of several groups; in this case, he/she will have the rights of all groups, in which he or she is included;

4. Select the call channel for the group. An employee will be able to process requests only from added channels in the group. If a request for a group comes through another channel, such ticket must be assigned to the group manually or by triggers;

5. Allow or deny access to watch the channels. Employees will not be able to respond to messages from them. Still, they will see the history of a client's request to other departments, and this knowledge will allow to give a more accurate and professional answer to a client.

After making changes, click «Save».
To edit an agents group, go to «Agents» — «Agent groups» and select an agent group to edit by clicking on the pencil icon.

Working time of the agent group

The working time setting is available in the editing mode if employees of departments work on different days and/or hours. By default, agent groups use the company's total working time specified in the «Settings» — «Company working days» section.

To edit the working time of an agent group, uncheck the «Use work time» box:

  • select the time zone,
  • specify working days and breaks in the checkbox,
  • set the start and the end of the working time and breaks in an agent group.

If fields are not filled in with data and/or are not ticked on the checkbox, the days are considered non-working (no breaks in the «Break» field).

After making changes, click «Save».

The working time of a group of agents will be taken into account:

  • Widget settings — to display the feedback form instead of chat;
  • SLA calculation. For example, when setting up the working time of an agent group, SLAs are recalculated for all company tickets;
  • Automatic distribution system. During non-working hours, chats will not be automatically assigned to agents.