Custom fields report

The custom fields report shows statistics on tickets linked to specific custom fields.

Generating a report

1. Set the date range "from" to "to" or use the default values in the drop-down menu.

2. Specify the ticket sampling principle:

  • by creation date — the report will contain tickets with any statuses created during the specified period;
  • by update date — the report will include the following tickets: the ones updated in the specified interval and having the status "Solved" or "Closed" in the specified interval + the ones created in the specified interval + the ones updated in the specified interval minus 3 months and having the status "Opened," "New," "Pending" or "On Hold" in the specified interval;
  • by date of last change — when selecting the "correspondence"/"evaluation" conditions, the report includes tickets that had an update on the corresponding condition within the specified interval. For example, if the conditions "evaluation" and "requested" are selected and an evaluation was requested for a ticket within a given interval, then that ticket will be counted in the report.

    When selecting the "assignee"/"status" conditions, the report includes tickets that have the corresponding condition changed from the initial to the final value within the specified interval. For example, when the status condition is selected from "Open" to "Solved", the ticket will be included in the report if the ticket status is "Solved" at the end of the specified interval and the ticket had an "Open" status within the specified interval.

3. If necessary, use additional filters — for example, "by channel" or "agent groups".

4. Click on the "Generate a new report" button.

4.1. If you do not select any filter, but only set the time frame for generating the report, the sample will include tickets created within the specified period.

4.2. You can save the filter if you often view reports with the same parameters. It will appear in the list on the left, and you will not have to choose the same values every time.

Hover over the filter and click on the pencil to edit the filter and select access rights.

You can choose who will have access to the filter — a specific group or all agents. If you do not check any checkbox, the filter will be available only to you.

4.3. To reset the selected report generation parameters, use the "Clear filter" button.

5. The system will start generating the report in the background. You can cancel the generation at any time by clicking on "Cancel" in the "Actions" column.

When the report is ready, the history of uploaded reports block will be automatically updated and the report status will change from "Generating" to "Ready".

Reports in the table can be sorted by clicking on the triangle in the corresponding column:

  • by creation date — reports are sorted by date: from the oldest to the newest or vice versa;
  • by agent — reports are sorted by the agent who requested the report: in alphabetical or reverse order;
  • by status — reports are sorted by their status: from canceled to solved or vice versa.

6. By default, the last created report will be the first in the list. Click the "Display" button to view the report.

Working with the report

By default, Usedesk will display data on the frequency of use of the last additional field in the list. To select additional fields for which you want to get data, click on the search bar.

In the display mode of the selected report, the "Filter report" button is available — this may be necessary for additional filtering of the current report. Select a new filter and click on the "Filter report" button. Data filtering is performed within the date range of the selected report.

You can explore data in different sections: by tickets, by agents, by agent groups, by customers, by companies and by channels. To do this, navigate between the tabs.

If an additional field has subtopics, you can view data on the frequency of their use by clicking on a segment of this field in the diagram or its name in the list.

Usedesk will display data on the subtopics of the field.

To return to the upper-level data, click on the section "Custom fields by...".

If the additional field has a text value (an agent enters it independently when working with ticket — for example, type of client's device), a report will display the presence/absence of a value for such an additional field, without a value itself.

"On tickets" tab

This section shows the frequency of using additional fields for tickets. Here you can see which additional fields were used in tickets more often and which ones were used less often.

The data can be visualized both as a pie chart and as a bar chart. You can switch using the buttons under the diagram.

"On agents" tab

This section shows how often additional fields are used by different agents. Here you can see which additional fields are used by certain agents. The bar chart shows the number of tickets assigned to each agent for the specified period.

Click on the agent's column to see which additional fields were used in his tickets.

"On agent groups" tab

This section shows how often additional fields are used by different groups of agents. Here you can see which additional fields are used by certain groups of agents. The bar chart shows the number of tickets assigned to each group for the specified period.

Click on the agent group column to see which additional fields were used by the group's agents.

"On clients" tab

This section shows the frequency of using additional fields for clients. Here you can see which additional fields are associated with certain clients. The bar chart shows the number of tickets that came from each client during the specified period.

Click on the customer's column to see which additional fields are associated with him.

"On companies" tab

This section shows the frequency of using additional fields for companies. Here you can see which additional fields are associated with certain companies. The bar chart shows the number of tickets that came from each company during the specified period.

Click on the column of the company to see which additional fields are associated with it.

"On channels" tab

This section shows the frequency of using additional fields by channels. Here you can see which additional fields are used in certain channels. The bar chart shows the number of tickets that came to each channel during the specified period.

Click on the channel column to see which additional fields are assigned to the tickets in it.


Some parameters in the table are similar to the main report and are displayed by custom fields.

The functions you can use in the table:

  • sort values;

  • customize the width of the column;

  • download the data that is in the table. In the table you will see the information that is displayed in your report, with filters taken into account.

Parameters indicated in the table:

  • Total — total number of tickets with the specified custom field for the selected period;
  • New — number of tickets in the "New" status with the specified custom field for the selected period;
  • Open — number of tickets in the "Open" status with the specified custom field for the selected period;
  • On hold — number of tickets in the "On Hold" status with the specified custom field for the selected period;
  • Pending — number of tickets in the "Pending" status with the specified custom field for the selected period;
  • Solved — number of tickets in the "Solved" status with the specified custom field for the selected period;
  • Closed — number of tickets in the "Closed" status with the specified custom field for the selected period;
  • Execution time — the time elapsed from the moment of ticket creation to its transfer to the "Solved" or "Closed" status;
  • First response time — the period from the time the ticket is created until the first agent response is sent. If there is an auto-reply after the customer's first message and the customer writes a second message, the time of the first reply will be counted from the time elapsed from the customer's second message to the agent's first message;
  • Response time — the agent's response time to all client messages in the ticket except the first one;
  • First comment time — the period from the time the ticket was created to the second internal or external message in it;
  • Average percentage of SLA — the percentage of the number of tickets in which the SLA policy was followed, of the total number of sample tickets. The average percentage of SLA is the median of the percentage of SLA values from the sample;
  • Solved by first response — the number of tickets that moved to the "Solved" or "Closed" status after the first response of the agent to the customer's message;
  • % — the percentage of tickets with such custom field from the total number of unloading tickets;
  • Δ — the difference between the number of tickets for the specified period and the number of tickets for the previous period of the same duration, as a percentage.